I am pleased to inform that Pooled Campus Placement Drive by “Unicon Investments Solutions” will be oragnised at CT Institutions, Shahpur Campus, Jalandhar on February 22, 2013 as per the following details:
  1. Branches Eligible: MBA (Marketing)
  2. Batch: 2013 passing out
  3. Position Offered: Business Development Officer
  4. Vertical: Real Estate
  5. Place of posting: Noida
  6. Package offered: Rs. 1.8 Lac PA(CTC)
  7. Date of the Drive: February 22, 2013
  8.  Reporting Time: 12 PM
  9. Venue: CT Institutions, Urban Estate Phase II, Partapura Road, Shahpur,  Jalandhar
Note: It is mandatory for the students to have their own conveyance.

PS: Students are required to carry their updated resumes, original and attested copies of their testimonials, two coloured passport size photographs and valid ID card of the Institute/ College.
For any query/ clarification, please feel free to call Ms. Kirandeep Kaur  at 9815401953. 

Gaurav Khanna
Asst. Director
CT Group of Institutions
Email: khanna.gaurav15@gmail.com